Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Coaching Session to Anyone Not A Christian

If you are Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baha’i, an Atheist, an Agnostic, or a Jew worshipper who adamantly rejects the Holy Bible and all that it teaches, this coaching session is for you. The coaching session here deals only with stuff and things from statements made in the Holy Bible. All from a God who cannot lie and who will give physical life and substance to any idea, thought, goal, plan, want, dream, desire or vision of any person who fit any category listed. It can be 1 billion, 2 billion, 3 billion, or 4 billion people, all with different ideas, but the rejected Christ is still reaching out to discredit the lies known about Him by giving away stuff and things to whosoever can believe the statements He made in the Holy Bible. Your idea could cost a billion dollars and He will give that to you as well, if you only believe.

Visit for coaching sessions to the non-believers of this training on how they can become wealthy. To believers, I have a coaching session for you “Do You Believe God?” on my Video page,

I am going to change the conversation for a moment to say something the entire world needs to hear especially those who call themselves representatives of Jesus and have given the wrong impression of what He will do, but you must be a Christian. The average preacher is too busy preaching and teaching to so-called church folk who are a huge gathering of faithless people in the God they claim they worship. The average Christian lives a simple, mundane, mediocre, and an uninterested life when they should be the movers and the shakers in the world, because of the God they claim to know. The average preacher, not all, but most are the most arrogant, high and mighty, (secretly faithless) person you can meet and are very unapproachable.

I teach the principles of God to all, non-believers and believers, because God has no favorite when it comes to giving out stuff and things. The message and coaching are entirely different for eternal life in peace after death. God has favorites for whom He will give eternal life in peace unto after death by the principles of His Word. The playing field here is an entirely different field to play the game with God. However, for stuff and things, the playing field is the same, as you shall see from this coaching session.

In this teaching, I am coaching the Buddhist, the Baha’i, the Hindu, the Jew, the Atheist, or any Agnostic believer to accept the book God gave to the world, the Holy Bible. A book with principles to live wealthy, healthy and have any opulent lifestyle they can imagine would be theirs. The only reason it will not happen is because people do not honestly believe the statements Jesus made in the Bible. What gives me this idea? It’s the simple, mundane, mediocre, and uninterested lifestyles that partly God’s entire kingdom lives. They do not believe the Word of God. The rejected Christ is reaching out to everyone in the world taught from birth to reject the Holy Bible or anyone connected with Christianity. It is to prove a point of how misguided and misinformed every person in the earth who was taught to reject the name of Jesus or the Holy Bible can be. He also reaches out to anyone connected to Christianity by giving away of stuff and things. To any human, anywhere in the world with full rejection of Jesus Christ as a God, the Deity, a Savior, or the Son of God, this coaching is for you.

If you are in the category described in this article, you can become a wealthy person, own an empire of your choosing, or give life to any idea, goal, plan, wish, want, dream, desire, or vision from the statements made by the rejected Christ in the Holy Bible. The rejected Christ will never lie and not fulfill the statements He has made in the Holy Bible if a person does as the Bible asks. His Word is sacred, and He will prove it to “whosoever” allows Him the opportunity to perform His goodness in his/her life by taking Him at His Word and doing as He instructs.  Jesus gave the same Word to His followers, but many are unable to believe the statements He made to them. The rejected Christ is coming to non-believers to change their lives by teaching and coaching through me on how to communicate to the rejected Christ. He will give physical life to any idea, any plan, any goal, any want, any dream, or any vision that is good and not evil, by the statements made in this coaching session to non-believers. It does not matter how costly the project, how complex the dream, or how big the idea, as long as persons know what they want, the rejected Christ will transform their idea into the physical counterparts of their thoughts or the financial equivalent of their thoughts.

Jesus, who cannot lie, will give physical life to a billion people with a billion different ideas if they do as He asks. Give Him time to rearrange their thinking to think as He thinks, talk as He talks, have faith as He had and still have faith, believe as He believes, act as He would act, and the result of your vision will become a physical thing created out of thought or idea of a non-physical seed.

These coaching sessions are to show “whosoever” that regardless of where they live on the planet, and regardless of belief in Jesus as God, Deity, Son of God, or Lord and Savior, Jesus would honor the statements made in the Bible. A person would need to have an open mind to receive the coaching in my videos, and purchase FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER to establish a blue-print from God in his/her mind. Absorb all the other teachings I have on the subject that, Jesus, who is God, will give physical life to the desire of whoever took Him at His Word. Whatever your plan, goal, dream, desire, wish, want or vision is, the rejected Christ will accept your idea and turn it into a physical thing if you take Him at His Word and give time for your idea to grow. Your mindset toward Jesus will change and there will no longer  be any more dislike, rejection, hatred, or ill feelings whatsoever toward Him. In addition, you will become a witness for Jesus – that He is a good God, a God who forces no one to worship Him and He will still give all the wealth you can believe Him to give.

In closing, this only works for stuff or things. There are no favorites to God to give good things to anyone. All a person has to do is believe the statements made in the Bible. His goodness is what leads to repentance as spoken in Romans 2: 4, “Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” All those years of hating Jesus, He never gave up on you, and God sent me to help you learn the truth about His Son, Jesus. Now you know first-hand that the lies that came from your parents, society, and institutions of higher learning they were really wrong because Jesus has proved Himself directly to you, and no one can make you continue to believe the lies that are said about Him.

Enjoy the coaching and purchase the book to change your life forever.

PT 4, Test the America God, Jesus Christ

PT 3, Test the America God, Jesus Christ

PT 2, Test the America God, Jesus Christ

PT 1, Test the America God, Jesus Christ

Friday, May 9, 2014

1,000,000,000 (billion) People Had Different Ideas, Goals, Plans, or Vision, the secret for each is in FIVE STEPS!

Not the End of My Story About Our Home

Pay attention, this is not the end of the story about our home. I used the thought process in this book, which came from the Holy Bible. We paid off a 30-year loan within 14½ years. Some may have it sooner, but it was a major accomplishment for us. These funds now contribute to our life savings. This is one of the testimonies of how God has blessed me through the teachings from this book. “FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER” is a testimony of Jesus Christ as to what He will do for “whosoever.” Whether you love Jesus or hate Him, by simply following His principles in the Bible, which my book encompasses and applying the teachings with your faith and your belief, there will be a response from God. I have said it once, and I will say it again, this thinking stuff really works! I am using the same methodology of thought in building a 2-billion-dollar church empire inspired by God. In addition, I am creating a teaching training manual for Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowerment Center to help businesses, organizations, and individuals to maximize their Godly potential hidden within themselves.

The results of what you get are not because of what I say but what the Holy Bible promises. It will be your faith and your belief that cause the precepts of the Word to work on your behalf. For example, take the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9: 22. Jesus said unto her “… Daughter, be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole, and the woman was made whole from that hour.” I can only testify of what God has done for me from the same promises in the Bible that He has made to all humanity concerning stuff and things.

If a person is successful, he or she uses the methodology taught and explained in my book. A person may not be consciously aware of this fact. Nevertheless, all humans apply the concept to bring things in or eliminate things out of his or her life – through the process spoken in my book taken from the Holy Bible. However, because the thought process of the truest book (Holy Bible) in the land is highly misunderstood and rejected, most of humanity thinks contrary to the correct thought process about receiving things in his or her life previously given to them by God. You must think on that statement for a moment. Once humanity grasp this fact and learn the correct thought process to acquire “whatever,” they will live an abundant life. I can say with absolute surety, “FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER,” can create life-changing progress in your life if you purchase it and continue to read it along with your Bible. Five Steps will never become a forgotten book, or a fad, or lost on the shelf and among the billions of digital downloads of other books. Why will it not? It is a blue-print, from the true God, who created the world and everything within it, including all of humanity, whether a person believes this or not!

If a 1 billion people had 1 billion different ideas costing extravagant amounts of money, FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER has a road-map from Creator God to give life to any dream and fulfill the financial cost of any vision and make it a reality. I only speak about what Jesus says He will do. I cannot make any guarantees that what happened for me will happen for you because I do not know the level of your faith. However, if you take God at His Word and believe, the responsibility becomes God’s to honor His Word if your faith is correct, not me. I am only a messenger and a representative of God of what He says He will do!

I have given humanity a promise from God - you do not have to be a believer in Him as your God, but only believe in His principles for what He has promised you with your beliefs. You will get from the universe whatever you are seeking! Here is one such promise. Matthew 7:  7-8 says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” The promise is clear and accurate.  Everyone who asks receives. No matter whom – everybody who asks will receive. Everyone who seeks a "want" will find and for everyone who knocks, the door shall be opened! You ask when you think about the same thing every day. You ask when you visualize in your mind things you desire. You ask when there is an image of a thing, a desire or want in your thoughts. Have any of you out there had an idea, kept the thought in your mind, applied faith every day with your goal, and never gave up even when the odds were against you, and received your desire? You received your vision because you worked on your goal in harmony with the principles of the Holy Bible as expressed in Matthew 7: 7-8, even though you did not believe in the God of the Holy Bible as your Savior. Many use the principles of the Bible unknowingly and get the results of God’s promises. I am here to make it plain for humanity to bring the best in their lives through the power of thoughts based on the promises of God. The God I know will give to any person a “divine exchange” from His Word to their words in a physical product form or the financial equivalent of their thoughts.

God will change the lives of a billion people with a billion different ideas or goals from the information in FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER based on precepts from the Bible. I am building a “Billionaire Club 4 Christ” because when people who do not believe in Christ get the results of their thoughts based on His promises, they are coming into the kingdom of God! I will have a billion human followers on twitter because I know what I am saying is true. A person is not obligated to believe in Jesus for this to work. When it does its job, rest assured, everything else in the Bible is right as well about life after death! It is life after death with Christianity where all others faith difference in people's beliefs who are not connected to Jesus. I challenged  people who are not believers in Jesus to get my book, read it, reprogram their thinking as the book outlines, apply the action steps, and give time for their seeds to be developed. Each person should have the fulfillment of his or her dream. If everything is in alignment with the Word of God, his or her idea will come into the physical form. If it does not, then something is in disharmony with the person’s faith and thought process of believing God’s Word. The connection is between you and the Infinite Invisible God hidden in your Spirit (subconscious mind). Take the challenge, and follow me on twitter at and keep up with a strange, bold, and confident man who knows what he is talking.

Blog comment on True voice challenge/five steps

It is time for humanity to wise up and understand that things cannot continue as usual. Only those who prepare now shall escape the unavoidable challenges that are coming to humanity. The path to great wealth or anything first starts in the mind. Unfortunately, many are not using the power of their minds to create. Therefore, what they seek, they shall never receive. My aim is to bring awareness of the power humanity has within SELF to create whatever they have the power to believe. Thought is the source to all things. Rest easy, my friend, as the person on the commercial voiced. 


I make no claims of promises to any person. Neither I, Larry Jones Training, Coaching, & Empowerment Center (LJTC&EC) nor anyone working for (LJTC&EC) will be the reason they get what they want. It will be because of God. Moreover, I do not know the inner thoughts held captive within a person mind; only God knows the true thoughts, speech, beliefs, faith, and actions of an individual. Therefore, if what a person seeks is not attained, the fault lies in the thought patterns of that person, not LJTC&EC, the owners, or God, and we will not be held accountable (James 4:3). Please come with an open mind to learn the concepts of the Bible and allow God time to give life to your dream! The same disclaimer for FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER. 

To be continuing...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

PT 4 of 4 Faith that Works

PT 3 of 4 Faith that Works

PT 2 of 4 Faith that Works

PT 1 of 4 Faith that Works

PT 3 of 3 Plotting Your Way to Success, Wealth, or Anything

PT 2 of 3 Plotting Your Way to Success, Wealth, or Anything

PT 1 of 3 Plotting Your Way to Success, Wealth, or Anything

PT 4 of 4 Faith In the Creator for Stuff or Things

PT 3 of 4 Faith In the Creator for Stuff or Things

PT 2 of 4 Faith In the Creator for Stuff or Things

PT 1 of 4 Faith In the Creator for Stuff or Things